I'm sorry, but: This shit is creepier than the Addams Family's group photo...and ten times funnier.
Look at it again...and hum the theme song from the Addam's family. You're gonna be mad at me for showing you this...but you'll laugh anyway.
My daughter, since birth, has decided in her own little
All too often, she thought she was ready but she wasn't quite. All too often, she slightly 'misoverestimated' her capabilities.
Who does that sound like?
I just talked to a couple of younger sistas about a subject that's as noncombative and nonconfrontational as anything could be: Maxwell's music. I reel away from the exchanges stunned! No wonder brothas are catchin' hell in the dating arena. Sistas nowadays apparently have the romantic sensibilities of coal miners.
"R. Kelly is a musical genius?!?" Ew! That's your comparative statement? Oh, gawd! You're dismissed! You may go!
On another note, my sister-in-law just told me that she's not high-strung! She's "anxious"!
I can't stop giggling at that one.
Would a fistful of tears make your fist glow like Goku's?

Feel just like a weight has lifted it
How can I repay you help me understand
Currency a fistful of tears I can afford
Fight of your life is not the cost
Time will reveal
All along you're the one who's losing
Cause I go insane
Crazy sometimes
Tryin you to keep you from losing your mind
Open your eyes
See what's in front of your face
Save me my fistful of tears
You can make it disappear, girl
All you got to do is just raise up, face up, stay up
All things will heal we'll feel it with a kiss from the skies
Don't you let it go
Don't you let it go
Cause I go insane
Crazy sometimes
Tryin you to keep you from losing your mind
Open your eyes
See what's in front of your face
And save me my fistful of...tears
We gon fight the war
We gon fight our fears
The only thing I wanna throw is a fistful of tears
We gon fight the war
We gon fight our fears
The only thing I gotta throw is a fistful of tears
We gon fight the war
We gon fight our fears
The only thing I wanna throw is a fistful of tears
Cause I go insane
Crazy sometimes
Tryin you to keep you from losing your mind
Open your eyes
See what's in front of your face
And save me my fistful of tears
Cause I go insane
Crazy sometimes
Tryin you to keep you from losing your mind
Open your eyes
See what's in front of your face
And save me my fistful of tears
I still feel that God designed a woman's tears as a counter to a man's (generally) greater physical strength. On the other hand, a woman's actions can actually reduce the most powerful man alive to tears...if she is the woman he loves.
Regardless, I choose to see the triumph that would come to a relationship from the comfort offered and received in this song. It shines around the edges of these lyrics.