The worst thing about the internet is the people on it. Gaw! Shut up, sometimes. Every news site has a comments section below its stories, now. If you want to see how stupid your neighbors are, then go read those comments. No matter what the story is, some knob is diametrically opposed. No matter what the story is, some jackass will find a way to turn it into an argument about Obama.
More Cute Kittens and other Baby Animals
Comments:It's just a matter of time before ObamaCare forces you to eat kittens! These Liberals have their head in the sand!
*smh* Whatever, dickhead!
As my mother used to quote when faced with public assholism: Better that people think you're a fool than that you open your mouth (or click Submit) and remove all doubt.
Anyway, check this out:
Both Liberal AND Conservative are political EXTREMES. The sooner you twats realize that, the sooner you can shut up. Sheesh!
RIP Sherman Hemsley
Sherman Hemsley's character, George Jefferson, was groundbreaking. We tuned in for years to watch his antics. He set the stage for many of the sitcoms and characters that have followed The Jeffersons.
RIP Chad Everett
I remember him from 70s and early 80s TV shows. We'd go over Big Mama's house. Big Mama was my dad's godmother. She was short and stout. She always had candy. Sometimes, she made gingerbread. My 6'3" dad would be reduced to a little boy when she baked.
Like a lot of old, black ladies, she had her shows. We'd watch Barnaby Jones over there a lot. Sometimes, we'd watch Trapper John, M.D., McCloud or Columbo. Chad Everett was that suave dude.
I'm at another crossroads in this existence. I struggled and pressed and worked to get to this level of management...only to realize it's just another level of sludge in the sewer of American Business.
My fucking Idly Rich Plan sucks ass, I swear.
Now that the hoopla has died down, I'm finally watching 24. THAT's what you monkeys were all goofy about? *smh* If ONE "good guy" did something smart, 24 would be 3. In this first season, every broad on this show is a fucking, useless hostage waiting to be grabbed. You think I'm being misogynistic, but you should save that accusation for the producers. The show's on Netflix. Every female character in the first half of the first season was a hostage at some point. Go stream it and see for yourself.
*This is the point when some knob says that it was the first season and it takes time for a show to catch its stride*
I'll keep watching until I get so nauseated that I can't suppress the rising of bile. But, uh, it ain't lookin' good so far. One reason for this insulting dynamic of 'girl hostages' is simple: Hollywood sucks ass...usually literally.
Hollywood fight choreographers, for the most part, have yet to accurately portray the dynamics of hand to hand combat. So, women in action movies continue to be reduced to caricatures. They're either hostages or they're ridiculous.
Weight classes exist in every major professional fighting organization for a reason. You can't ignore the physics of inertia, mass & force. A 5'7", 135 lb. woman beating a 6', 200 lb. man who has been fighting and training for as long as she has in a protracted hand-to-hand scuffle is stupid. While there are exceptions to every rule, on average amongst martial artists and fighters, there is a demonstrable difference in strength. Even when I'm training against a smaller man, I have to remember to use technique and not strength. (Side Note: Girls have been trying to knee us in the balls since we were six. Try that in a real conflict, you're just gonna piss him off and he's going to punch you as hard as he can.)
Wanna see tight, believable, beautifully choreographed fights? Watch Ecks vs. Sever again. Lucy Liu is "li'l bitty". Lucy Liu's character never matched mass or strength against her opponents. She was smart, fast and I never had to suspend belief to watch her in fight in that role.
Anyway, my business dive suit is hosed off and dried. Back to the muck.
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