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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Random "izAtIOn"...get it?


NEW BUMPER STICKER: We need animals....can't make good sandwiches without them.

*snork* Animal rights activists...what a waste of DNA. Why the hell would you let somebody who kisses a dog in the mouth speak for you? Dogs lick their own asses. According to psy's Laws of Transference, that would then make the owner who kisses their dog 'full of shit'. *smh* Animal rights activists have a lot in common with one animal, that's for sure...if the animal is a lemming. Shut up, already! Sheesh!


Nine women slaughtered with no national attention and fools are taking their dogs to a stadium they're not even allowed INTO to protest the death of dogs that would EAT their mutt. LMAO. People are stupid. PETA sympathizers are even dumber.

Y'know, when I realize that my interest in a woman is groin-inspired with the depth rivaling a small, sidewalk puddle; then, I leave her alone. I school my visage into a mien of indifference.

*shrug* Most women are USED to being objects of sexual fixation. It gives her a form of power to even let on that you find her attractive...especially when she's indifferent, at best, to your existence. So, why put myself behind THAT eight ball?

My son discussed the irony of his school holding a charity basketball game to benefit the fight against Juvenile Obesity. Not only are they NOT gonna make the fat kids play in it; they're gonna sell snacks at the game. Talk about wasted effort.

We also discussed "sweater meats" aka Big Particulars. The entire conversation was hilariously wrong.

There's a dude here today who looks JUST like Mario from Mario Bros. I was like a li'l kid when I first saw him. I said, "Mario!!!" Then, I caught myself.

She's slightly irritated that my neighbors think that I'm a 'nice guy'. *smirk* Why is that so bad?

If I ever get/got to walk from a locker room to fight. My song would probably be Day of the Dog by Throwdown. That song is about as subtle as a brogan to the bicuspid. *evil grin*

So, waitaminnit...just how difficult is it to tell that you're a woman (or not)?