Stream-of-consciousness or whatever's annoying me at the time...typically boring American blogginess.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Social Networking
Me: Why should they consider themselves “terrorists”? They know that in a setting of conventional warfare, they’d be slaughtered. They realize that the public in the West is fickle. So, they strike at that base of support. In their eyes, there are no “noncombatants” and they don’t really give a damn what anyone else thinks about that. Hell, the word “assassin” comes from THEIR culture.
You: I like green.
HLN: There you have it. Terrorists should be in fear of green.
Watching dummies reinforce their Closely Held Stupidities is a window into reality as it currently stands. People are snuggled comfortably into their stupidity like a winter blanket on a cold day, apparently. Some clod stands up and parrots some idiotic statement made by some politician that conveniently completely ignores fact, history and established custom.
“Well, I think…” *bovine excreta spews* The crowd applauds.
The maxim is, “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” The West, in general, and America, in particular, are relatively sure that doesn’t mean them. NIMBY. Some moron is SUING McDonalds for successfully marketing Happy Meals. So, in effect, she wants to strip me of MY choice to reward my child with a Happy Meal because SHE won’t tell her brats ‘no’. You cannot have a laissez faire system of economics on one hand and restrict/penalize companies who find ways to successfully market their product on the other. The same goes for Four Loko. Rather than refuse to buy a product that they find unpalatable, for whatever reason; these knobs are trying to ban it. *smh* Just dumb…
And, the news media considers you a moron, as well. Start critically reading and watching the news. Watch how media outlets describe things. Any employee who speaks out against the practices of a former employer is described as ‘disgruntled’. When someone speaks passionately against something, it’s described dismissively in the media as a ‘rant’. Your music is segregated and programmed for you. You’re spoon-fed your own opinion and conditioned to accept the consensus of a group rife with morons, idiots, and imbeciles. And, you accept it.
That’s why it doesn’t bother me what YOU think about what I like.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Physical Graffiti
Now, I'm not saying this to extol the virtues of her translucent skin and inability to tan. I was just musing on something that I used to do. Y'see, sometimes, I get bored easily. I mean, I'm sitting there, there's nothing to do, everything is quiet, everyone else is asleep, I have a Sharpie...
So, I'd write on her naked buttcheeks while she was asleep. I mean, I couldn't put a whole manifesto on her ass cuz that would wake her up. But, I could write short, concise statements on life, the universe and our place in it. You know...shit like: This End Up! complete with an arrow. Sometimes, I'd write "Bite Me". Or, the ever-pithy: ASS
Then, I wouldn't say anything. She'd get up later and begin or continue her day. It wasn't until she had to 'drop trou' in front of a mirror that my handiwork would become apparent. Then, I'd hear my name bellowed from the echoing space of the bathroom. Shortly afterward, I'd be confronted by an angry midget! "Stop writing on my ass!!!"
I miss that.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Joy & Pain! Sunshine…and Rain!
Ugh! She just dipped a cookie in Lactaid! I'm genuinely appalled by that notion.
I trained Saturday. I didn't even feel like going to class. It was a nice, sunny day…but, my whole damned body was SORE. I just felt beat up. I went anyway.
I got beat up more. I got taken down twice and submitted once. I tend to fight down to the level of my competition. That whole cowboy ethic kicks in because I'm not really fighting. In a real fight, I'm trying to tear something off you and throw the piece on your laid out body. In training, what's the point of that?
Plus, I really want to learn technique. It isn't about being big & strong. Because, when I face somebody who is just as big and just as strong as I am (if not bigger and stronger), then, technique is what will make a difference. So, I consciously avoid 'overpowering' people to submit them. I tend to let people get holds and then using techniques and, sometimes speed, work to get out of them. In doing that, I get caught sometimes. I got caught three times, Saturday. But, (get this) I had a good time.
What is the point of saying "Armed Gunman"? Have you ever heard of an 'unarmed gunman'? *holds fingers in the classic gun pose* Check it in, fool!
It rained all day yesterday. It was that cold, penetrating rain. My bones hurt all day. I dragged my carcass to class, anyway. I got to the gym and we had to jump rope. That'll warm your bones. So, I was lightly toasted from jumping rope tripping over the rope for several minutes. Then, we learned were taught a move. Initially, I survived on sheer athleticism (and speed). I may not use all of my strength in training, but damn if I'm not using all of my speed. But, I'm beginning to remember some of my training and moves. I caught a dude in a triangle choke, last night. I also got three inverted guillotines and an ankle lock on other opponents. I didn't get submitted once.
Next class, I might get my ass royally kicked. Yesterday's class, though, was a success. Now, I just need to learn that pass he showed us.
How nerdy is an R2D2 ringtone? I guess it's better than taped glasses, a pocket protector and floods.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
…and then?
I think that I have a thumbprint on my calf.
Everything between my clavicles and my waist is Under Construction.
My ex-wife told me today that my daughter is afraid of me. What kind of screwy bullshit is THAT? Every time I talk to this chick, I wish that I could go back in time to just before I proposed to her and slap the SHIT out of my younger self.
*lookin' @ my watch*
Any minute now, some chick is gonna tell me how I hate women.
*Thelma Evans-class eye roll*
Whutiver…yer wrong and I'm not arguing with you about it. I hate dumb women. If you're not a dumb woman, then I'm not talking to or about you.
*paradigm shift*
Ain't it great to be alive?
You see that dummy try to outrun the police and get tased today? FAIL!
Anyway…I have a lot on my mind, but little to say tonight.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Crabbie Patties
Do we really have that crabs in a bucket mentality? Sheesh! Remember when I told you how brothaz do each other in class when they're a little advanced and know a couple things? They try to put you in a hold that hurts. Basically, they wanna make you look like a bitch. What's going on in their heads that they think this is necessary? I'm wondering if there's some subtle dynamic in the class that I'm missing that makes a brotha come roaring out of the blocks like that.
Now, before I dealt with all of this, I got called out by this Latino dude. I don't know why he called ME out, with 15 people standing there. But, he did. So, we rolled. He immediately went into a flurry of moves trying to submit me. I wasn't being mean or malicious, honestly. But, I bounced him all over that mat. Mostly working on the 'No' technique. I got a side mount. I went from a side mount to a full mount. That's pretty good. I'm pleased that I could do that.
Tonight, I rolled with three brothaz, a Latino and an Asian dude. I got caught in one armbar…but, that's because I couldn't do ANOTHER somersault. Yeah, me: All 76" and eighth of a ton of dark meat in class doing flips to get out of holds. So, anyway, new guy in class tonight…big brotha named Curtis. Curtis is strong as shit, too. But, I was showing him the basic guard and guard pass. He was burning a lot of energy trying to keep me in his guard. I told him, "At our size, you're going to burn energy a lot faster than these little dudes. Conserve energy."
So, then the other brotha comes over. He says, "We'll switch up." So, Curtis goes and sticks his neck out and gets triangle choked. I ain't tell him about that. I guess that was Lesson 2. So, then, I roll with the dude and he immediately started trying to put me in an armbar. I employed the 'No' technique to perfection. I looked up at Curtis and said, "He knows a lot of arm submissions." So, of course, dude switches over to leg submissions. I did three (count 'em: THREE) flips to get out of them. He looked at me with new respect after that.
I rolled with Tom today. Tom's Vietnamese and built like a fireplug. Every time that I've been honestly submitted and it wasn't fatigue, Tom's done it. He makes me sick. But, Tom's a cool dude. So, whatever. Tom started out in my guard, worked out of it, and blocked my armbar attempt. (My submissions SUCK!!!) I did two flips getting out of armbars by Tom. The last time, I was EXHAUSTED. I ended up tapping. So far, of all the fighters that I've faced, Tom's the only person that my 'No' technique just flat-out fails on. Of course, he has forearms like Popeye, no exaggeration. He grabs my wrist and it's like being in a vise…and I can't MAKE him let go. *smh* I'm subconsciously workin' on that one.
Papa Klump to Mama Klump (after she kept passing out seeing Sherman's transformations: I ain't gon' keep PICKIN' yo' big ass up!
And, lastly, I rolled with this brotha named Joseph. Joseph worked hard. I was hard-pressed to keep him in my guard. I went for an armbar and that muhfukkah flipped me completely over. I kicked off the wall and got out of a submission. I narrowed my eyes. I said, 'How long have you been doing this?" He said that he'd only been in class a couple months. I had a psyqyq epiphany: But, you've wrestled, haven't you? He just grinned. I said, "I hate fighting wrestlers. It's like fighting a wet blanket." I almost got him in an iron cross.
All-in-all, I had a really good workout. The teacher gave me pounds. The arm that got caught in the armbar HURTS, though. I need a big booty cutie to sit on it and massage it with her asscheeks.
. o O ( Did I just say that out loud?!? )
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Elephant Bullets
Remember the bull from Bugs Bunny?
Imagine him somehow were-morphed into human form. That's who I had to spar with tonight…
Now, imagine the were-bull tenderizing 250 pounds of raw steak…with Thor's hammer.
That was me…18 minutes on the mat with a minotaur, bay-beee!!!!
'member when I was all like, "I wanna spar with somebody MY size?" Fuck that! Gimme more skinny dudes. My shoulders and neck are BURNING, right now. That fool grabbed my head in both hands and freaking YANKED! Fortunately, I'm fast as a cobra. I hit the mat and skidded away like a hockey puck. (Hockey pucks are black, see?) Anyway, he grabbed my ankles and yanked. He grabbed my arms and yanked. He...sensing a theme here? I'm glad his ass was tired from training all day. Sheesh. Fighting him fresh would've been a nightmare!
The teacher said good training, though!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Your Lucky Star Isn’t
It is the 21st Century. Scientists are working on quantum computers. That is: microscopic computers. Humans have gone to the moon and mapped the human genome. Despite the hate in their souls, white folks fuсked around and elected an African-American as President of the United States. So, you'd think that things were advancing, even if they weren't necessarily improving, right?
The people I know are not children. That is to say, they're grown muhfukkaz, right? How come, near the second decade of the 21st Century, the people I know still believe in fuсking astrology. I mean: I could understand confusion about evolution. I can even get some of the weirder religious beliefs of some folks. But, for the life of me, I do not understand why Black folks CLING stubbornly to astrology. You know why so many people are born in mid-to-late September? Cuz, their parents got drunk on Christmas/New Years. How special is THAT star?
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Raw & Uncut Cynicism
The reality and the fantasy...
- "Whoop! Clumsy! So much for gymnastics!"
- "Another D in math? So much for physics!"
- "Lazy eye not getting any better, huh? So much for fighter pilot!"
Monday, August 23, 2010
Addressing (some of) MY Issues
So, Rosa, I'm sorry what I wrote upset you. But, I wasn't talking about you in particular.
*back to generalized statements*
I'm not gonna be stifled though. I'm gonna say what I think and what I feel. This is MY blog. If you can't handle it, then don't click the link to come here or don't type the address in the Address Bar. It's pretty simple.
This is why I tend to stay to myself, though. I tell you what's up with me from the giddyup. I'm single. I date, occasionally. I'm not trying to be in a committed relationship, right now. Then, I catch hell later because I'm acting the way I said I would? Is that 'woman logic'?
That don't really fly with me, ladies. All the high-fiving y'all do together and ribald commentary on your superiority to men, but then you tell me in the next sentence that you really have no control over your reactions? "Sometimes, we can't stand ourselves." "Men MAKE women act the way they do."
Can't have it both ways, though. Either you are the superior beings you claim to be, which means you're in complete control of your actions & emotions and the things you do are intentional; or you're just as screwy as you admit to being when you're being honest/shifting the blame. *shrug* I don't much care. I love women to death. Goodness, y'all are lovely. But, I feel the way I feel about a relationship, right now. Leave me alone, if you can't deal with me.
Call it baggage, if you must. Complain that it isn't fair, if you're so inclined. But, the way I see it, I've had one woman decide that, 'Oops! I made a mistake! I don't want to be with you, any more.' That was her choice, just like what you do is your choice. But, that ripped my fucking family to shreds. My kids have had all kinds of issues stemming from the dissolution of their family structure. I have two sons living with me that are just now getting to a point of normalcy. My impressionable daughter, who I now see occasionally, has had some real issues that have expressed themselves in the time that's occurred since my divorce. THAT's what I have to worry about.
Now, here you come, swearing up & down that you ain't like 'them other bitches'.
If you say so...
You really ain't tryna deal with me and just MY issues...let alone my kids and theirs. I have more to lose than sleep by being in another relationship.
So, you can pop off at me and be all furious, if you want to. That does more to reinforce what I feel than anything. And, as I've been saying: This is more about what's going on with ME, than anything that YOU have done.
Anyway...whatever level we deal on, if I tell you that we're cool, if I tell you that I dig you; then that's what I mean. If you wanna be mad at me and/or not deal with me because I'm not immediately dropping to one knee to ask you to be my bride, then that's your right.
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Attraction of Attrition
But, America? This place is saturated with fools, morons, imbeciles and dumbfucks. Ugh! The gene pool needs chlorination. Reinstate the draft! Shit. See a particularly stupid muthafukkah? EOD training. And, then stand WAYYYYY back.
No, Jenkins!!! The blue wire! The blu-!
People discount the attitudes on the internet because, well, "it's just the internet." But, that shit's indicative how muthafukkaz feel in the core of their soul. They feel little or no fear of reprisal, so they say the most fucked up shit they can imagine--li'l fraidy muhfuggaz who'd mumble quietly to their friends in the corner of the bar rather than swagger up to the object of their petty hatred with all that braggadocio. *smh* They're viciously stupid, but well-positioned to turn their venom onto YOU, soon.
You already know that I see politics as the machination used by people who cannot FIGHT to maintain order. It is a popularity contest for lemmings. Well, the cliff is coming up and Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers and Independents all think they know "The Way".
Bon Voyage, muthafukkaz!
Intelligent, independent thought remains at a premium.
Do you see it coming? The next presidential race will be brutally vicious. All of the issues in American society and politics have come home to roost under this presidency. This President has been called 'the worst President in American history' by one lemming. Another asked, 'What do you think about Obama building a mosque @ Ground Zero?'
Seriously, dude, what the fuck? Somebody told you that President Obama is building a mosque...and you believed them. *smh* You Sterno drinking, cousin groping moron...
While you're drinkin' Moscato, playing Farmville and learning how to Dougie, politics is NOT going on 'as usual'. It has, in fact, taken a turn for the worse. Polarize the (m)asses and you garner a wave of political support. They're stupid, but you can't tell them that they're stupid. Enter the Dragon Lady! She's enough of a MILF to stir the yokel's passions in more than one manner. Using carefully crafted speeches and rhetoric, conservatives have garnered a groundswell of support. The villagers, with their pitchforks and rakes, are going after the monster. The barons stand back and watch.
Vicious li'l bitches...
The next Presidential election takes place the year after next. Do you honestly think your minority vote can counteract this well-placed, insidiously crafted attack, not just on the President, but on you? There could be consequences and repercussions if a Klansman calls you a 'nigger'. But, who ya gonna call if he smirks and calls you a "Liberal"? Ghostbusters? Insidiously crafted...
But, this is your game. I've yet to be convinced that masses of people are anything other than stupid. But, you think that 'every vote counts' and all that. This is your wake up call. You gonna figure this shit out? *whisper* Reinstate the draft!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Passing Guard
I didn't get submitted once. Of course, there's no one really in my weight class. So: L on that. But, I got a double-leg takedown on Jesus! *smirk* Yeah! I got a single leg takedown on my other opponent, as well.
Honestly, I'm just glad they're tired by the time I get there. I'll have to get my gi soon to learn classic jiu jitsu.
But, yeah, Active Takedowns...I did quite nicely. I did get taken down once, though.
Then, we had to practice passing guard. OK, of the two people sparring/fighting, the person whose legs are on the outside is in control. If the guy on the bottom has his legs outside of the guy on the top, he's got the guard. If the guy on the top is sitting on the abdomen or chest with his legs outside of his opponent's, then he is in the mount position. So, I started out trying to pass the guard of my opponent, John. I passed his guard four times in five minutes. Awesome, man! Awesome!
Then, we switched positions and he was in my guard. For five straight minutes, I kept him from passing my guard ONCE. Goodness, I'm proud of that. I didn't know I could do that. I was almost to the point of wheezing, but I damned did it.
THEN, we rolled. Rolling is freestyle sparring in jiu jitsu. I was lightly toasted by then. I gotta get my cardio up, f'reals. I rolled with John first. He got a half guard on me and I could NOT get that leg free. I wanted an armbar. John is strong and compact though. I figured that, if I fully committed to it while in that half guard, he'd make me pay for it, somehow...some way. So, we ended in what I thought was a draw. John told me that I would have won on points. Cool!
Then, I rolled with Julio. I kept him in my guard for four minutes and by then I was exhausted. He passed my guard and got a side mount. But, I didn't let him make me submit. Yay, me!
I wanted to flip him over me onto his back. But, I was too tired to figure it out. I think I have a move figured out, now. Maybe, I'll try it another time.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
The Race Card
But, Yahoo's article gave a virtually anonymous forum for people to vent how they really feel. The sense of entitlement displayed is rather nauseating. Check out your neighbors & friends:
I used to be a pretty easy going person. Grew up with Black and Hispanic friends and we all got along. I was never a racist, events over the past few years have turned me towards the truth. The truth about the majority of black communities. You are the most hateful and racist of all the other communities in America. You lie, steal, cheat, kill off your own people, destroy your neighborhoods , act like fools in public and expect everything to be handed to you for free because you were once oppressed. You talk about Africa as the "Mother Land" with no idea of what it is even like there. We White folk are sick of your crap, sick of your arrogance and sick of the culture you have created to act as if you are the victim in every instance. The sooner we are rid of you all, the better off we will be as a nation.
I flat out don't believe a word of it. "A noose with racist graffiti?"
This has become the "lie du jour" for blacks claiming to be the targets of "racism." They've become so used to getting their way, regardless of how absurd their allegations, they just keep recycling the same old nonsense. Kind of like the Jews with their "holocaust."
The unspoken truth about African-Americans is that today's African-Americans are the descendants of yesterday's slaves. Those slaves were bred like animals to be dumb field hands, not critical thinkers or leaders. They are descended from a limited gene pool that has more in common with livestock than mankind.
Black people the world over don't see themselves as related to African-Americans. Because they're not. African-Americans, as we know them, don't even exist in nature.
This is all science fact. Perhaps we stop with this PC nonsense and realize not everyone is created equal, especially when our American history books are filled with this "white elephant in the room" disclosure.
Tell me now, what's racist or incorrect about what I've said?
Blacks will never be taken seriously until they start pulling their own weight in society.
Another excuse from and excuse matter how stressed out you are normal people don't go killing other people ...he is a bigoted black man with an inferiority complex...look around its an epidemic in the African American community
He didn't SNAP, it was his nature. Same as them rioting and tearing up their own neighbor hood for the slightest reason.
Blacks are like co.ckroaches.....
Multiple like, well... co.ckroaches ....and infest everything they come in contact with.
The blacks dont care about the facts, so don't waste your breath
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
01110000 01110011 01111001
1 = White women & 0 = my fist
News Flash: I do like White women. Here's the key, though: Just because I like one thing does not mean I dislike its alternatives. I also like Brown, Mocha, Caramel and (Haha) Fudge colored women. Yella girls and red girls are cute to me as well, even if they're a li'l narrow across the beam for my tastes. Don't try to pigeonhole me in that spot in your intentionally narrowed perceptions just so that you can feel comfortable dealing with me. Just leave me alone if that's beyond your present capabilities.
Monday, August 02, 2010
You Mexican training partner. What'd you think I meant?
It was SWEET, though. I got there and got a goat from the sheep. Everyone else was in their traditional 'gi'. On the other hand, there was me. No gi. Me and two other dudes. I feel like a bully, Butch from The Little Rascals. ("Say! When's the last time we beat you up!""*Gulp* Yesterday..." "Then, yer DUE! *WHAM!*") They're not in my weight class. Although, the smaller dude was a lot more experienced in jiu jitsu. After this competition, my instructor's gonna make me pay. I can feel him assessing me from across the mat.
I told you what my technique is. Any four-year-old can do it. 'You wanna do what to me? No.' They grab my arm. I take my arm back. They pull. I make 'em let go and fall down. The difference is: I make it look like (Whooo!) "t-e-c-h-n-i-q-u-e". gotta say 'technique' with a French accent, too.
Yeah, I know. My teacher's gonna beat me up. I see it coming. Imma jump up like that fool in Whiteboys after he got stomped like, "Am I in?!?"
Anyway, I just realized that Jesus looked at me when he told me his name expecting me to smirk. I must be growing up. (I offer a pre-"fuck you" for that "'bout time!" that you just thought.) He asked me if I'd ever rolled before. I nodded, then we were off. He immediately put me in his guard. I passed his guard and went to a side mount. He refused to let me choke him like I planned. (I know. Right? The nerve...) Imma get me a gottdammed guillotine on somebody, I swear. My daughter is NOT gonna be the only person in the family to choke out two (count them: 1, 2) dudes with a guillotine choke, dammit! To be fair, the dudes I spar with have heads like frozen turkeys...but, that's besides the point.
What was my point?
Oh, yeah! So, anyway...couldn't get the choke in the side mount. Jesus rolled onto his knees. So, I tried another choke. Jesus tried to flip me. I dispassionately refused to flip. He landed on his back and I was in the full mount. Grabbed his elbow, put him in an armbar. I submitted Jesus. I win.
The Many Times I Feel Lonely
I'm reasonably assured that you don't know nothin' 'bout Esthero? I'm disheartened because you should. Let me know what you think.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I Got an Owie!
I did the full warm up, today (running, tumbling, the whole nine). When I left the gym, my shirt was soaked. It was torn, too. So, much for Izod. It used to fit snugger than it does, now. I submitted a guy cuz I got him in a hold and he couldn't breathe because my shirt was so wet. I guess I used a 'gi' move on him. I'll need to get some UnderArmor, I guess. I'm not bad, but Ion't think my body is ready to be displayed like that, yet. Gimme six weeks at this pace, though.
There was a kid rolling today...11 years old. I felt all paternalistic toward him. I showed him how to do a single leg takedown. (Damn! My nose was bleeding. I did not realize that til I just blew it.) The kid has a good grasp of technique.
There was another brotha there who goes by 'King'. Um...ok. He's a boxer. His arms were very defined and strong. I tell you this not in admiration or anything. It's just that different disciplines have different strong suits. Throwing 10 & 12-ounce gloves around constantly is going to make your arms and shoulders strong. I submitted him once, but mainly I showed him a couple things, and gave him my basic philosophy: When a guy is moving your arm or leg a certain way or maneuvering you a certain way, don't let him. Cuz, he's gonna do something next that's usually REALLY gonna hurt. So, when he pulls your arm, take your arm back. This was King's second class in this discipline. He seemed to appreciate what I showed him.
I sparred with Pedro, again. Sparring with Pedro is tiring. He's very strong and he's always trying to do something to you that's gonna hurt...a lot. So, I spent a bit of time reversing holds and passing his guard and trying my damnedest not to get the shit choked out of me (literally...that'd be VERY embarrassing).
That brings to mind my last class. One guy asked an instructor, "If a guy shits himself and quits, does that count as a submission." The instructor said, "No...but, if you shit yourself and your opponent doesn't want to continue, then THAT's a submission." LoL...fighter humor.
Anyway, Pedro told me that our instructor TOLD him to wear me out today. It seems that I've already gotten a reputation for being 'big & strong' and this was my second class at this gym. Well, I have to admit it: I gassed. I tapped and I wasn't even in a hold. I was just fucking T-I-R-E-D. Six minute rounds and this was the third? Yeah, the new guy was spent. I'm going to get better, though. Trust me on that.
Anyway, I got it together and then fought one of the 'gi' fighters. See, there's 'gi', traditional jiu jitsu with the belt and the robe (see pic above). Then, there's 'no gi'. (pic right) Gi is a lot more traditional, as you might imagine. 'No gi' might seem like wrasslin', but it like many martial arts is very scientific in its approach to anatomy and specialized forms of personal mayhem.
I'm having a BLAST. Now, to find some liquid bandage.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
And to think: I wanted to do this.
...the fuck?!?
Yeah, I'm back in jiu jitsu. I freaking LOVE this. How come I jump rope better than the Brazilian chicks? (THAT was distracting, by the way. I tripped over the rope a couple/few times trying to NOT watch the jigglage. Eventually, I had to turn and face the wall.) That's another indicator that I'm serious about this stuff. There was a chick fight with Brazilian chicks, no less, going on mere feet from me. (The girls sparred.) I didn't even stop to watch.
I'm so machoor!!! ←← LOL@that
On the plus side, before I gas, I move very quickly for my size. My sparring partner didn't believe that I weigh 253 lbs. Let me lose the 25 like I want. [white girl voice]! Ohmigawd![/white girl voice]
But, for real, there is more room for improvement than you can imagine. I could not sink a guillotine on that smooth, bald head. My cardio is ass. But, Imma fix THAT.
Can somebody go to Sam's Club and get me one of those Tub o' Ibuprofen bottles, please! Thank you in advance!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Bash de Bunda
Women are appalled by this. I'm amused.
"Would you really let some chick smash her sweaty, musty, juicy booty into your face like that?!?"
Uh...hell yeah! In fact, if you got a big, shapely ass and can do a handstand like that chick without powdering your metacarpals: Call me!
Crash and...BURN
Shoes smokin' like Frederick P. Flintstone's feet...
Y'all been doin' this shit all these years? No wonder half of y'all are completely fucking nuts. Shit. Everybody's looking for The One, while they're hangin' out with The Few; but talkin' shit to the many. The fear is palpable. I can smell a schmear on the bottom of my shoe ill-gotten by stepping on an shitty, unseen Pamper left out in the Georgia sun for the six hottest hours of the day. She's thinking, "If I give one mo' muthafukkah a piece of my heart and he breaks it, it might drive me insane." But, she'll never say it. He's thinking, "If I go out with another chick portraying herself like she's a lady, but she's actually crazy as fuck..."
More later, maybe. I just dozed.
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Return to Chill Civility's not ABOUT sex. I'm in Atlanta. Look up the ratio of women to purely heterosexual men. Then, factor in 6'4"…240#...employed...reasonably nice looking...intelligent. If it was just about ASS, chances are: I wouldn't be tryna holla @ YOU.
It's about companionship. But, I think I get it. I think I realize what I need to do.
This should be interesting.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
The catharsis of "closure" is, more often than not, a selfish need to vent at someone who did not take the course of action that YOU preferred. It is the adult equivalent to a temper tantrum...a hissy fit, if you will. The desired outcome of 'closure' is that the other party/parties know exactly why YOU are dissatisfied.
Meh! I just watched a 40-year-old woman throw a complete, fucking hissy fit in her lame attempt to get closure. It highlighted just how petty she actually is. Well, hopefully she got the emotional stabilization she so desperately needed out of that.
This is one reason why I just STOP talking at a certain point. Communication has failed. The other person has already decided in her own mind what the state of reality currently is, normally based on her own mental state, without consulting mine and declared this is the way it is. I get annoyed because I see & know the things that she's failed to consider, but rather than ASK, she declares that 'this is how things are'. So…fine! That's how things are. I withdraw. Then, she gets upset because I didn't respond and argue with her about the shit. So, I put those things she ignored/didn't see in front of her and then she feels silly!
Anyway, lemme do some more work.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
r e s o l v e
People don't realize that 2Pac on many of his more popular songs was actually a BLUES artist. I've dedicated "Do for Love" to myself for one very important reason: I'm a "sucka for Love". *smh@me* But, listen to the song.
That is the same blues that John Lee Hooker used to sing about. Life is a trap. I've let myself get caught up. I'm going to need to break out of this trap some kind of way. I've considered seriously returning to the ways of my youth.
Despite yourself, you give someone your heart. They hand it back with a sniff of disdain and walk away without ever once looking back. See the failure in that sequence? Giving somebody your heart is akin to a cow walking up to a butcher and bowing it's head before the ax. You have no one to blame but yourself.
F'real, though: the next chick that tells me that I'm not 'being fair' by comparing her to the way other people have treated me because she's DIFFERENT than them is gonna get laughed at and walked away from.
The blues...despair, rejection, survival. When he says, "My god!", that's more angst than a little bit. That's why his music hit folks at such a visceral level.
...and, I keep nodding and plugging away at this shitheap known colloquially as "life" until I don't have to. It's time for a change.
Friday, May 07, 2010
How many times have you seen a MAINSTREAM commercial that had five black guys and one white guy and it wasn't about a basketball team? But watch a beer commercial and they always include ONE black dude! So, if you have ONE black dude in your clique, then you must be doing ok, right? Consider, though, that you have never seen the ratio inverted in a commercial for something enjoyable. Folks will immediately roll their eyes and figure, "Oh, lord! Here we go! Another rant about racism! GET OVER IT!!! Your people are not slaves, now!" That reaction proves my point, though.
I was looking at MSNBC perforce, today. One of the plasma displays in the lobby is set to play that channel. I'm looking at how Black folks are represented in the mainstream media. It is all conditioning for the simpleminded and reinforces the stratification and status quo of our society. MSNBC is considered "liberal" media. If so, they're a worse offender even than FOX News. Fox is, at least, blatant about their bigotry. MSNBC discusses money and politics. The imagery they present is subtle. The authorities, sources and personalities they present on what is viewed as important are overwhelmingly White. The advertising for financial information is represented by an overwhelming White base of actors. Diversity is filled by a minority woman, killing two birds with one stone.
But, when something viewed as NEGATIVE is addressed, the imagery that you see is accompanied by Black Male faces.
'Jobless claims rose 2.43% last quarter. *Videos of Black men filling out paperwork in the unemployment office play*'
'The President's Healthcare Initiative hit another snag today! *A Black representative is interviewed who dutifully mentions marching with Martan Loofa Kang*'
...and, you dumb muthafukkaz fall for the okey doke, too.
You're being managed and conditioned by the things you're shown. And, you think this is the 'natural' order of things.
Original thought remains at a premium. Ugh!
Does this mean that minority people are some paragons of virtue and intellect? Hell, naw! What it means is: you need to start learning to think for yourself, you lemming! You might even want to consider NOT patronizing these media outlets who perpetuate these stereotypes.
To be fair, I can't speak a lick of Spanish that isn't profane, so I don't know how reputable Spanish news sources are. But, Black News is ass! Two bomb threats in a week in New York and the headlines on BlackPlanet are:
- Is Toyota Mocking Hip-Hop's "Swagger"?
- LisaRaye's 3 Tips For Single Mothers
- Caption This: What Is Rick Ross Trying To Say In This Photo?
- 5 Reasons J Lo Is Going From GIANT To Medium
Hot News
- Paper Depicts Obama As Character From "Sanford And Son"
- Police Shoot Man's Dogs In Marijuana Raid With Children Present
- Black Tea Partier Says "Uncle Tom Was A Hero"
- Jon Stewart Pokes Fun At Roland Martin's Ascot
- Man Says Woman Stabbed Him With Scissors Over Bad Sex
- School District Defends Blacks Only Field Trip
- P. Diddy's Sean John Gets Exclusive Deal With Macy's
- Europe Faces Pressure To Pay Slavery Reparations
- Swift Arrest Of Bombing Suspect A Rare Win For Embattled Holder
- Evidence Mounts For Taliban Involvement In Times Square Bombing
- President Of Nigeria Dies After Long Illness
- Higher Percentage Of Blacks Than Whites On Twitter
- Washington Times Times Says Term "Teabagger" Is Like N-Word
- Why Is The Jamaican Prime Minister Protecting A Reputed Criminal?
- Black Leaders Urge Indictments Of Police In Teen's Alleged Beating
- Sharpton And Phoenix Mayor To Lead March Against Immigration Law
They found a suspicious package in a cooler in front of a hotel in Times Square. Somebody's lunch is about to get detonated.
Oh...and the Times Square terrorist is about as much of a terrorist as The Shoe Bomber. Some weirdo goes looking for Al Qaeda training and Al Qaeda giggles behind its hand. "You want to blow up what? Ok, my friend, here's how you make a bomb! Yes, yes! 72 virgins! Remember connect the red wire here! A salaam alaikum! You know, we have this new underwear bomb! Go and show The Great Shaitan the power of Jihad!!!" Then, they send the idiot on his merry way. They've lost nothing but the time it takes to show that moron the basics.
That fool is in there singing like a canary, too...and ain't sayin' shit. They let him pee on himself once and made him sit in it. Now, he done gave them every bit of information he's learned since he was eight years old. *smh* Terrorist, my ass!
Thursday, May 06, 2010
She went into her office and I went on to the kitchen to clean out my cup. So, as I was in the kitchen sub-audibly remembering something that I'd forgotten, who should walk through but the admin. She asked me who I was talking to. I said, "Myself." I was pouring cream into my cup when she walked past. Using scientific observation methods developed through years of practical research, I was able to determine that the modest bootymeat that I spied was indeed a natural blessing and not an enhancement. Well, all right!
I made the mistake of clicking a YouTube link that my son sent me. Now, I can't get the screamo version of Crank That (Soulja Boy) out of my head. I'm disturbed that I like that version better than the original.
As Mentioned Elsewhere
A chick is not qualified to wear shoes from Frederick's until she's been Supermanned at least once.
...and that exhausts all Soulja Boy references for a year...or until he does something ELSE stupid (like release another CD)...whichever comes first.
When I do finally fall asleep during the day, somebody or something invariably wakes me up. My consciousness is tattered right about now, though.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Where's Johny Sabatino?
I gotta get out.
I can't stay here.
* * * * * * * * * *
I gotta get out.
I can't stay here.
* * * * * * * * * *
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Pysdauf? Gneau! Pysdon!
Self-containment remains out of reach. Ugh! I can't even blame the Universe this time in some lofty reach for grandiosity. This shit's solely on my shoulders.
You sits the fuck down and you shuts the fuck up!
My turn...
I need food and sleep.
- Counsel ≠ console. When I feel like being fussed at, I’ll let YOU know.
- If it ain’t important enough for you to leave a message, it ain’t important.
- Yes…I am!
- STFU! I got the mic! <==
- ‘Heck’ is as much of a cuss word as ‘hell’. Stop fooling yourself. They’re both used as modifiers. You think that changing a couple letters is gonna fool God when the communicative thought is the same? “Bloody” is a cuss word in some places. “Puta” is foul in certain languages. “Scheisse” is in still others. Since you censor your language, censor your thinking. Otherwise, you’re just wasting time.
Happy anniversary to my parents! 42 years and they're still together. I love and appreciate the example of commitment that they've set for me.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Game! Blouses!
I annoy myself when I don't listen to me.
Re:The Flow...
" Reply #8 on: September 22, 2002, 02:47:46 AM »
It would take an aggressive woman to interest me. I'm not even tryna hear "no" or "I like you for a friend, but..." ever again in life.
Re:The Flow...
" Reply #12 on: October 3, 2002, 12:59:23 AM »
This is the day the earth stood still!
Klaatu verada nikto, muhfukkaz!
I'm not ready for another 'anything'. There's entirely too much free-floating chaos entangled in my lifeline.
Ideally, one adult is not responsible for another's emotional well-being. Reality, being the bastard that it is, often makes one the focus of another's attentions. Having empathy above the level of a paramecium's puts you in the position of either having to be an asshole or responding to that person's demands, requests or desires. The scary/irritating thing about this is that once you start responding, you normally are expected to CONTINUE responding to suit.
Don't feel so put upon, though! You do the same thing to somebody else.
It's weird...women either like me for a friend or they wanna be my "person-to-call-in-case-of-emergency". That whole "fuckbuddy" concept just ain't happening, apparently.
Three Things...
08/21/2006 08:20:59
Three PHYSICAL Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You:
1. Unconscious Femininity - when she does something thats just SO sensually female without it being a planned or intentional gesture
2. Athleticism - she doesnt have to be She-Ra, but if she can do some things its a plus
3. Reciprocated Attraction - I'm never pining over a woman who likes me for a friend, but...again in life
Country Livin' - Esthero
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Temper Temper
Temper! Temper! Nownow!
I want to wreck shop! I want to break some shit that shouldn't be somebody's arm. I want to sidestep somebody rushing me and hit them...HARD!!!
I'm sick to fucking death of this world!!! I'm sick of working twice as hard for half the reward. I sick of stupid niggaz and snotty bitches! I'm sick of stupid muthafukkaz being in a position to make their stupid choices achieve relevance! I'm sick of ex-wives and ex-husbands! I'm sick of people agitating me and then looking askance because I'm ready to pull their fucking arms off! I'm sick of not being able to afford training! I'm sick of restraining myself!
Mr. McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't LIKE me when I'm angry!
You don't have to worry! What's done is done!
Temper! Temper! Nownow!
Friday, April 09, 2010
Piss uv da Gawdz!!!
I want...
My immaturity played a good part in the dissolution of my marriage. Two years after the final nail was put into that coffin, I can finally admit this openly. Don't get me wrong, there was a LOT of shit done to me that makes people shake their head and mutter "What the fuck..?" But, she wasn't the only asshole in that matrix of madness.
The difference is: I wanted to fix it. She didn't.
Water under the bridge now, eh? It should be. However, the scars from 17 years of not measuring up to this intangible bar...this standard...set for me have left indelible scars upon my psyche. I didn't even realize this until I started trying to move on.
I did not feel free to be myself for years. The things that I enjoyed got the tsk of disapproval from my ex. After a while, I compensated with a measure of dontgiveafuckededness heretofore unknown to modern man. Meh!
Now, when I sense that feeling of disapproval...when someone acts like I ain't shit because of what I like or what I want...then (*slice*) that's it. My emotional ties to that person sever almost instantly. I'm NEVER going to feel like I felt in those months leading up to my separation & divorce again, if I can help it. Is that wrong? So be it.
D o m e s t i c S i l e n c e
*thinkin' more on this*
I'm too old to be lovesick. Fuck, man! Fuck...
I want...
OK...That ramble helped. That and the piss uv da gawdz restored apparent equilibrium. Resume the poker face. Get back to that space where I take life as it is rather than how it "should be". Feel what I feel, but give no outward indication.
Politics suck! Highbrow monkeyshines performed by unintelligent ideologues and megalomaniacal misanthropes who've managed to parlay their madness into a working gig and supported by other fools who don't mind sharing a brain. But, have at it, apes!
Scooter Store commercials are as goofy as Clapper commercials.
Spray your peeps, smack the baby teeth out your son mouth
Who can stop me? I told shorty I'ma shoot you papi
Caught him in the crapper with the clapper;
while he was doin caci
I'll probably die in jail - make it through life and fry in hell
Either way I'ma lead the way, cause only time'll tell
I rhyme for real, not that imaginary vocabulary
I really will stab you and every one of my adversaries
There's no remorse - fuck these thug niggaz, show me the boss
Gimme a hustle worth the risk of goin up North
I love my freedom, and you know I love my bein
So sometimes I gotta get ugh and mug for my per diem
I'll see him in hell, we'll settle it there, better it there
No innocent bystanders to get hit with a spare
Like I really care who catches strays from the Mac
Like I really care who you paid to rap on your track
Nigga you wack - you ain't bringing nuttin for us
I got songs with the Devil and Jesus singin on the chorus
You can't ignore us, nigga you know how we roll
Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole
...and, just like that: poof! He's gone...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Ugh! A Perspective on Current American Culture
That's why he resorted to robbin' muhfukkaz. He needed a new rubber ring for his chair.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Throwdown - This Continuum
Not quite dead but still not quite alive
Now go... into the light
But I can't tell you
The reasons why
I'll never join you there
I can't face this hell alone
Spiraling through This Continuum
Cheating death ain't what it used to be
Agony is all that's left of me (left of me)
Now go... so far away
Cause I can't bear this
Another day
I'll never join you there
Spiraling through This Continuum
Time has taken all I've known
Smothering the life I used to love
All I've got is time... (4x)
I can't face this hell alone
Spiraling through This Continuum
Time has taken all I've known
Smothering the life I used to love
In This Continuum
I love the way he seems to change gears with his voice. Right after he says, "I'll never join you there" close your eyes and downshift from third to first. Then: Imagine you're driving a high-performance sports sedan on a California coastal road with S-curves. Get it?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Son of a King
Diggy - Made you look Freestyle (Flow Stoopid) from Diggy Simmons on Vimeo.
Diggy comes off like a whiny brat on Run's House...but, he has more flow than a li'l bit, right here.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Can You Walk In These?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I was wondering…
- What state do you currently live in?
- Is that the state that you were born & raised in?
- Do you consider yourself "grown & sexy"?
- The color yellow...your thoughts?
- Since high school graduation, how many fights (fist/knife/gun) have you been in?
- 0
- 1
- 2 or more
- If your mother is alive and somebody told her EXACTLY what you did last weekend, would she be appalled?
- What's the difference between a vitamin & a hormone?
- What did your therapist tell the court about your anger management issues?
- Yes or no, do you like rock music?
- Do your coworkers think you're professional?
- Have you ever awakened and not known where you were? Was it because of injury or inebriation?
- If you could, even at your age, develop superhuman abilities, what would you pick?
- Do you forward inspiration emails? Why?
- Sing, dance, or cook...which do you do best?
- Are you happy?
Friday, February 05, 2010
Audioslave - Moth
Thought I was different and it
seems I'm just the same
As a game I put my hand over the flame
I thought I was smarter as I flew into the sun
But it turned out the way it does with everyone
Oh, oh
I don't fly around your fire anymore
I don't fly around your fire anymore
Burnin', fallin' down so many times before
I don't fly around your fire anymore
I love the heat I love the things that I forgot
I love the strings that tie me down and cut me off
I was a king, I was a moth with
painted wings made of cloth
When did the flame burn so high and get so hot?
Oh, oh
I don't fly around your fire anymore
I don't fly around your fire anymore
Burnin', fallin' down so many times before
I don't fly around, fly around
Fly around
I don't fly around your fire anymore
I don't fly around your fire anymore
Burnin', fallin' down so many times before
I won't fly around, fly around
I won't fly around your fire anymore
I don't fly around your fire anymore
Burnin', fallin' down so many times before
I don't fly around, fly around
Fly around, oh