I guess these are my psy quotes—2011.
- I'm not a conspiracy theorist. People are too greedy, mean and stupid to get along for long when money is involved.—20 minutes ago
- @TrickyDMR @CalebTweetsToo The world shows nothing but contempt for us. But, mention it & some asshole will call it "the race card".—23 Sep
- Letting people turn #TroyDavis case into a platform for political agendas trivializes THIS man's fight for his life.—21 Sep
- You should know that police officers feel that their life is worth more than your own. Watch their tactics whenever this is questioned.—21 Sep
- Chick didn't say anything at first when she called. She said she was choked on a nut. #pause
#NotMyFault—21 Sep
- With all the flossin' that I've seen these rappers do, I still ain't seen shit as cool as Special Ed's hovercraft. Another Vanquish? *yawn*—21 Sep
- I'm just glad #Twitter ain't always rearranging the furniture like #Facebook keeps doing. Facebook, you suck.—21 Sep
- "@RoaryDaMascot: "@SmittyDMR: Yo follow my cousin @TrickyDMR" No" LoL@this—20 Sep
- I had an amazing weekend. Those always make Mondays tougher to deal with.—19 Sep
- @kittygalore6 Good point. Why are we letting women out of the kitchen? And, who let you wear shoes?!? I must discuss this with other men.—15 Sep
- @DivinelyGeneva @Melly2times @Janae_Snow 5'2", 230# ... she can leave footprints in DRY concrete.—15 Sep
- @DetroitMansRoom #TeamDMR || Spartans ain't s'posed 2B shiny. But: better than Maryland. *smh* I blame Astroturf for these unis.—14 Sep
- Which is worse: Crazy people that don't know they're crazy or nutty fuckers that know JUST how nucking futs they really are?—14 Sep
- "Our slaves are hired for life and well compensated; there is no starvation, no begging, no want of employment" - John Henry Hammond—13 Sep
- 14 Kills/0 Deaths...Team Deathmatch—12 Sep
- The highest treason that a crab can make is to leap for the rim of the bucket. - Steven Pressfield, The War of Art—12 Sep
- @TrickyDMR Pawn that ring & run 'em. Don't even THINK about settling down w/one chick for AT LEAST two years.—9 Sep
- I wish they'd put some food coloring in that soap dispenser cuz I swear that shit looks like jizz.—8 Sep
- R Kelly is trending. Did somebody else's kid get peed on by the Pied Piper of Love? Just wondering...—6 Sep
- Half the time, upon examination, people deserve the person they're with just from sheer hardheadedness.—3 Sep
- Even before Chedda Boyz, we had AWOL. http://youtu.be/lLb8iQDn6jE
#ItsADetroitThing—3 Sep
- Lean forward a li'l bit before you turn your head to see what's happening behind you so you don't get snuck. #ItsADetroitThing—3 Sep
- ...even when it looks like somebody's jiggling a basket full of fat puppies in front of you when she walks past.—2 Sep U
- Professional: adj. (pro fes' shun ul): Pretending like you have not noticed that she has a nice ass at work...—2 Sep
- #dadquotes Go in there and get my Bible. #canyoujustbeatme—31 Aug
- #ThingsHoodratsLove 3-5 syllable baby names involving apostrophes and the suffixes -ika, isha, and/or -arion—30 Aug
- "To sum it up, I'll Kill you! I don't blame you for being wack! I blame your fans for being dumb enough to feel you!" @Copywrite #truth—30 Aug
- Clumsy muhfukkaz keep falling offa shit in Texas Stadium. Just get League Pass & let your clumsy relatives watch from home. Sheesh!—29 Aug
- @JeanGreasy Still haven't figured out why so many clueless folks follow such a brilliant smartass. The old moth/flame theory, I guess.—23 Aug
- The #earthquake was a publicity stunt for the new #Rezurrection Zombie Pack for Call of Duty. Are you near a cemetery?—23 Aug
- @Torae the current standard of "rap" is autotune and dudes chanting simplistic phrases. So, yeah, dope beats and smooth flow IS old school.—23 Aug
- "@foxxhole: Should polygamy be legalized?" Having 2 wives is like having 2 migraines.—18 Aug
- Ain't but so many muhfukkaz who "got their shit together". Realistically, get w/somebody who needs a lil help or get used to being alone.—18 Aug
- #smh If you can't find a "decent man", then maybe your ass need to quit givin' your number out in the club.—18 Aug
- @Trickytweets2 I always enjoy a dancer who does some shit that I can only respond to with a golf clap.—18 Aug
- Some people's full potential was reached when their particular sperm was first to the egg. #AllDownhillFromThere—17 Aug
- #IWishTheyWouldBringBack real singers who can actually sing. I've had enough of "performing artists".—17 Aug
- The introduction of #autotune into any song automatically & immediately lowers the intellectual mean of the audience.—17 Aug
- @bia_kay A big enough ass swallows all pannies except bloomers. BUT, you won't see a panny line.—16 Aug
- #ManLaw Don't do anything during the courtship, engagement or wedding that you can't top on the first anniversary. #DMR—16 Aug
- #sexfacts Magnums WILL break. If it starts feeling too good, pull out & check.—16 Aug
- *hookin' my kids on Star Trek* #nerdgenesbreedtrue—15 Aug
- @JeanGreasy I'm still panicky about mad cow disease...but, I'm still craving a steak.—15 Aug
- #JobsDrakeHadBeforeBecomingARapper Survey says: Fluffer—15 Aug
- #shedidntcallbecause she wasn't done with her math homework. #shestooyoungforyoubro—12 Aug
- #youknowyouacrookwhen the cops call your first name out the window of their cop car without lookin' you up on their computer.—11 Aug
- If you get sick cuz you're swole, that's on you. But, if you swell up because you're sick, THEN you can ride the fatboy scooter @ Walmart.—10 Aug
- #scarymovierulestoliveby just as everyone breathes a sigh of relief that it's over, step to one side, duck & mind the splash of blood.—10 Aug
- Women's timeline/wall kill me w/this. Friday: All kinds of sexual innuendo. Saturday: Break up ('men are pigs' tweets) Sunday: Scriptures—29 Jul
- @detroitflipside On the whole, though: you're right! He should get more recognition than he does...even though he's a legend.—29 Jul
- @MissZindzi @AristaFbabi @DJZeeti You know, put some triangular blocks behind her so she doesn't roll back.—28 Jul
- #whitepeoplehobbies are sometimes useful. We wouldn't know how hot volcanoes get, how fast bears can run or have Nikes without them.—19 Jul
- #umightbeghetto if you have fake toenails. I won't mention them ashy heels and too-small mules.—24 Jun
- I'm craving two coney dogs, some @BetterMade chips and a cold, @myfaygo cola. But, I'm in Atlanta. :-(—22 Jun
- So, yeah! If you don't cop that #Elmatic, I might have to roll up to your crib and trip one of your kids. It's THAT good!—19 May
- So, you say you're a #Hiphop Head? Tune in to #wrekroomrenaissance
http://streaming.wrek.org:8000/wrek_live-128kb @wrekroom—19 May
- The key to surviving the Zombie Apocalypse is having lots of fat, slow friends...unless you're the fat, slow friend. Nice knowing you, tubby—19 May
- #sometimesyouhaveto realize that just cuz somebody says or types "God" doesn't mean they know a thing about life, truth or the Bible.—19 May
- You keep blaming your sex partners' penis size rather than doing Kegels, Loosey. #thatswhyursingle—17 May
- Remember, boys: Better to buy her tampons voluntarily than diapers by court order. #thingsgirlswantboystodo—12 May
- I'm gonna help save beached whales while wearing a Pro-Choice t-shirt. #bucketlist—9 May
- @DetroitMansRoom Michigan made it to the Frozen Four. Give 'em props.—26 Mar
- @jasmith579 Faygo bought the recipe for the original Vernors. Ginger Ale > Ginger Soda (look @ the bottles). Try Faygo Sensations.—6 Jan
- @wrekroom Hip hop has sub-genres. Radio rap has its place. So does lyricism and hip hop's other classic elements.—10 Jun 10
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