I helped out with Field Day at the kids' school. A field full of stinky li'l 8-year-olds...chunky latin kids, hardheaded black kids, uncoordinated white kids, stiff asian kids...and every variation on those themes. Junior divas, micro-Amazons, little warriors and future leaders swarmed the playground. It's always amusing to watch children interact. You can see the precursors of their adult selves in their juvenile behavior.
85% of the prepubescent female population are some bossy li'l heffaz.
There's something ironic about a little Latin-born guy in a big, American-made truck with a Spanish slogan on his back window in Olde English font.
I checked out Star Wars yesterday. Nerds are already crawling all over the movie picking at it like maggots on a wound. It was a good movie. People who like to nitpick at things have moved past the wonderment of childhood. Watch the movie through the eyes of a child, which is what most of us were when we were introduced to this "galaxy far, far away", and it's an outstanding movie. Regardless, as a body of work, Star Wars outshines any other franchise and any other movie project. I don't think you'll see anything else ever develop from the mind of a college film nerd to a six-movie franchise like this did.
Good job, Mr. Lucas.
I saw Unleashed last week. I was amused that most of the best martial arts movies of the last few years have all been French. Brotherhood of the Wolf, Kiss of the Dragon and Unleashed are all French films. The fight scene in the bathroom...CLASSIC stuff!
I'm feeling antsy...REALLY antsy.