We've been back to work for two (count 'em: 2) days. How you go'n call in sick today when you already don't have any time? I love her to death. But, um, this ain't what you might call an "employee-friendly" economy. Betta step lively and watch the closing doors!
Ex-wives are the curse of the universe on men dumb enough to get married. Ugh!
Do you ever look at a dumb assed individual and incredulously realize that THIS slow fucker was his dad's fastest sperm that day? You jus' have to quietly hope that that nigga started eatin' some fruit or somethin' to improve the quality of his subsequent busts.
Cage and
Eminem have individually spit some of the most venomous bars ever heard on mics. They've said some ol' uncomfortable shit in their quest to rise to the top of the rap game in their respective genres. Both of them are on some ol' whiny-assed EMO shit right now. It's tragically comical. Everybody ain't built to be a thug. That lifestyle will tear you up and scatter the pieces.
Me & Laura talked about each other for about two hours today. She's gonna get me fired (again) for laughin'.
You gotta check out
Crunk & Disorderly and
In Hood Terms. NEITHER Fresh nor Sane got good sense.
This Dating Game is on my mind on my mind on my mind. That whole cocoon thing? Hm. It's lookin' better and better. Doin' what you're supposed to can (and quite often does) leave you assed out. Playin' the game better than them others leaves a wake of pissed off folks in your wake. So, what ta do…what ta do.
Plus, I'm gunshy. How do I know that this woman who's all that & a bag a chips won't decide later that she can't stand me? Answer: I can't know that. You picks up ya cards. You plays the hand yer dealt.
Sista said I was 'Shallow Hal' cuz I said I answered her question with the response that I won't date a 450lb. chick who isn't cute? If that's how it gotta be, then so be it. Like the sayings go: Life's too short to date ugly chicks…and…I ain't go'n bump no mo' wit' no big fat woman.
I guess.